What is the warranty coverage for the new/replacement fabric cover & what does it include?
Our Elite fabrics offer a 25-year warranty and a 20-year warranty on Standard fabrics. You can learn more about our warranty features on our Warranty page.
My cover has a tear. Should I repair it, patch it, or install a new fabric cover?
Fabric building re-covers are necessary when the damage is significant and patching it is no longer an option. The condition of the fabric, including how worn it is, along with
What is the best way to determine the right time to replace my building’s fabric cover?
The only way to determine when you should replace a fabric building cover is by completing a thorough inspection of the current structure. Re-cover when the conditions warrant it due
Are fabric beef barns energy-efficient compared to traditional structures?
Fabric beef barns are increasingly recognized for their energy efficiency compared to traditional structures, primarily due to their innovative design features. One of the most significant advantages is the abundance
What are the ventilation and airflow options available in fabric beef barns?
As customizable spaces, there are numerous benefits to using fabric buildings for beef barns, including that they improve ventilation overall. Options for ventilation and airflow include rollup doors, open sidewalls,
Can fabric buildings be customized to accommodate different herd sizes and management practices?
Yes, beef cattle barns with a fabric roof can be easily customized to fit virtually any size requirements necessary. Our beef barns range from 24 feet wide to 210 feet
Are fabric buildings durable enough to withstand the demands of the beef industry?
Simply, yes, fabric beef barns are ideal for beef barn construction. High quality, well-designed, and customized buildings can be effective for 25 to 30 years before the roof needs to
What are the minimum space requirements for beef cattle in an enclosed confinement barn?
For barn space for a cow that weighs 1,000 to 1,300 pounds, 35-50 square feet per head is ideal. For cow and calf pens, generally 200-500 square feet is adequate.
What are the main requirements for housing beef cattle?
Cattle sheds and buildings must, at the very least, provide a space that is clean and comfortable for the number of animals present. They must allow for proper drainage of
What are the three important factors that must be considered when siting a beef barn?
You must consider weather and topography of the area. You also have to consider the location based on feed and pasture availability and ease of access.